What are Continuous Integration jobs?
Continuous Integration jobs refer to the process of automating the building and testing of software code every time a team member makes a change to the code base. This process is designed to find and fix bugs early in the software development cycle, and to avoid the need for lengthy and expensive debugging and testing cycles later on. Continuous Integration jobs usually involve setting up and maintaining the Continuous Integration server, writing and maintaining build scripts, and configuring the various tools and applications that are used in the Continuous Integration process. CI jobs may also involve working with developers to help them understand and adopt the Continuous Integration process. Common job titles associated with Continuous Integration include Continuous Integration Engineer, Continuous Integration Developer, Continuous Integration Specialist, and Continuous Integration Manager. Employers often require CI job candidates to have experience with software development and build processes, to be familiar with various Continuous Integration tools and applications, and to be able to communicate well with developers and other team members. The Continuous Integration jobs posted within this section can be remote, part-time, full-time, and freelance depending on the employers' specifications.Continuous Integration Stats