Prepare for your Human Resources Specialist interview. Understand the required skills and qualifications, anticipate the questions you may be asked, and study well-prepared answers using our sample responses.
Human resources specialists need to be aware of all the laws and regulations related to their job. Employers ask this question to make sure you have the knowledge and experience needed for the role. In your answer, explain that you are familiar with these regulations and can apply them in your work.
Answer Example: "Yes, I am very familiar with the various laws and regulations relating to human resources. I have worked in human resources for five years now, and during that time I have learned about all the important laws and regulations related to the profession. For example, I am familiar with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) laws that protect employees from discrimination based on their gender, race, age, religion, etc. I also know about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) which allows employees to take time off from work for medical reasons or to care for family members. Finally, I understand the importance of maintaining compliance with all relevant state and federal laws."
This question can help the interviewer determine if you have the skills and abilities they’re looking for in a successful human resources specialist. Use your answer to highlight some of your most important qualities, such as communication skills, attention to detail and problem-solving ability.
Answer Example: "Successful human resources specialists need to have excellent communication skills, as they often work with employees and managers to solve issues and develop plans for improvement. They also need to be organized and detail-oriented, as they are responsible for managing many different documents and records. Finally, I believe that problem-solving skills are essential for success in this role, as human resources specialists often need to find solutions to complex issues."
This question can help the interviewer determine how you handle conflict and whether you have strategies for overcoming it. Use examples from past experiences where you helped an employee understand a new policy or procedure, or how you helped them comply with it.
Answer Example: "In my previous role as a human resources specialist, I had to implement a new policy that required all employees to complete mandatory training on sexual harassment. One employee refused to complete the training, saying that he didn’t need to because he’d never committed any acts of harassment. I met with him privately to discuss his concerns and explain why the training was important. After our discussion, he agreed to complete the training."
This question can help the interviewer understand how you use your skills to support the company’s employees. Your answer should include a step-by-step process for evaluating performance, including what factors you consider and how you use that information to make decisions about whether an employee is meeting expectations or needs improvement.
Answer Example: "I first assess whether the employee has met the required goals and objectives for their position. If they have not met these goals, I then look at why they have not achieved them and determine if there is anything I can do to help them succeed. If they have met their goals, I evaluate whether they have exceeded expectations by looking at their performance over time."
This question can help the interviewer understand how you handle conflict and support others. Use examples from your experience that show you can be empathetic, patient and helpful in these types of situations.
Answer Example: "I recently helped an employee who was struggling with an important project. They were feeling overwhelmed by all of the tasks they had to complete, so I met with them to discuss their concerns. We came up with a plan to break down the project into smaller pieces so they could manage it better. They also felt like they needed more guidance on how to complete certain tasks, so I provided them with resources that could help them learn more."
Human resources specialists need to be aware of the various laws and regulations that apply to their work. Employers ask this question to make sure you have the necessary knowledge to perform your job effectively. In your answer, explain that you are familiar with these laws and how they affect human resources professionals.
Answer Example: "Yes, I am very familiar with the various laws and regulations that apply to human resources professionals. I have a degree in Human Resources Management, which includes coursework on employment law and regulation. I also regularly attend seminars and webinars on current topics in human resources management. This helps me stay up-to-date on any changes in legislation or regulation."
This question is your opportunity to show the interviewer that you possess the skills and abilities necessary to be successful in this role. You can answer this question by listing some of the most important qualities, such as communication skills, problem-solving abilities and teamwork skills.
Answer Example: "Successful human resources specialists need to be highly organized, detail-oriented and have excellent communication skills. They should also have strong problem-solving abilities and be able to think creatively when faced with challenges. Human resources specialists should be willing to learn new things and collaborate with others in order to find solutions to complex issues. Finally, they should have a desire to help others and an interest in human resources in general."
This question can help the interviewer understand how you handle challenges in the workplace. Use examples from your previous experience to show that you are willing to work with employees to ensure they understand new policies and procedures and are able to comply with them.
Answer Example: "In my last role, I helped implement a new employee handbook that included several changes to our company’s policies. One of the policies was about social media use, and I noticed that several employees were still using their personal accounts for work-related purposes. I met with each of them individually to discuss the policy change and why it was implemented. We discussed ways they could still use their personal accounts while staying within the boundaries of the new policy."
New hire orientations are an important part of an employee’s onboarding process. Employers ask this question to make sure you have experience with this process and how important it is for new employees to learn about their company’s culture and policies. In your answer, explain what steps you take to ensure new hires are well-informed about their role at the company.
Answer Example: "I have provided new hire orientations for several companies in the past. My first step is to create an outline for the orientation that includes all important information about the company. Then, I meet with each new hire individually to go over their specific information. This allows me to answer any questions they may have and ensures they leave the meeting with all the knowledge they need to succeed."
Mediating disputes between employees is a common task for human resources specialists. Employers ask this question to see if you have the skills necessary to help employees resolve their conflicts. In your answer, explain how you helped the two parties come to an agreement and what steps you took to make sure they were happy with the outcome.
Answer Example: "I recently had to mediate a dispute between two employees at my previous job. The two employees were arguing over who should be given the responsibility of managing the company’s social media accounts. One employee felt like they were more qualified for the job than the other. After speaking with both of them, I determined that the more experienced employee should be given the responsibility."
This question allows the interviewer to see how you plan to use your time and energy in your new role. Your answer should include a list of tasks that are important to your success in this position, such as learning the company culture, developing relationships with coworkers and learning the software used in the office.
Answer Example: "During my first few weeks on the job, I would focus on getting to know everyone in the office and building relationships. I believe it’s important to establish myself as approachable and willing to help others. I would also use this time to learn about the company’s mission, values and goals so I can better understand how I can contribute to those goals. Finally, I would spend some time learning the HR software used in the company so I can become an expert user."
This question can help the interviewer determine how you would handle a challenging situation. Your answer should include a few steps you would take to improve morale within the company, such as holding meetings with employees or creating an environment where they feel comfortable expressing their opinions.
Answer Example: "If I noticed that the overall morale within the company was low, my first step would be to find out why. I would talk to as many employees as possible to find out what they are unhappy about and what we can do to improve things. Once I have an idea of what the issues are, I would work with my manager to come up with solutions to address them. For example, if employees are feeling overworked, we could offer training sessions on time management or create new positions within the company so that people aren’t overwhelmed."
Human resources specialists need to be able to communicate with others in their organization. Employers ask this question to see if you can communicate effectively in both written and verbal forms. In your answer, show the interviewer that you can write clear, concise emails and documents. Explain how you use grammar and spelling checkers to ensure your writing is error-free.
Answer Example: "I am an excellent communicator who thrives on interacting with others. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Communication, so I am well-versed in the art of verbal communication. I also understand the importance of written communication, which is why I always proofread my emails and documents before sending them out. I am confident in my ability to effectively communicate both verbally and in writing."
The Fair Labor Standards Act is a federal law that establishes minimum wage, overtime pay and child labor standards. Employers ask this question to make sure you are familiar with the FLSA and can apply it in your work as a human resources specialist. Before your interview, research the FLSA and how it applies to employees in the United States.
Answer Example: "I am very familiar with the Fair Labor Standards Act. In my last position, I was responsible for ensuring that all employees were paid according to the law. I also helped create policies and procedures that ensured our company was in compliance with the FLSA. I am confident that I can do the same for your company."
This question can help the interviewer determine if you have the skills and abilities needed for success in this role. Use your answer to highlight some of your most important qualities, such as communication skills, problem-solving ability and attention to detail.
Answer Example: "Successful human resources specialists need to be organized, detail-oriented and have excellent communication skills. They also need to be able to work well under pressure, as there are often deadlines to meet when handling employee issues or concerns. Finally, I believe it’s important to have a sense of empathy when it comes to dealing with employees and their issues."