Prepare for your General Manager interview. Understand the required skills and qualifications, anticipate the questions you may be asked, and study well-prepared answers using our sample responses.
The interviewer may ask this question to assess your decision-making skills and how comfortable you are with making decisions on your own. Use past experiences where you had to make important decisions without the help of others, or explain that you are comfortable making decisions on your own.
Answer Example: "Yes, I am comfortable making decisions on my own. In my current role as general manager of my restaurant, I am responsible for making decisions about hiring staff, creating menus and designing marketing campaigns. I also have to make sure that we are meeting customer expectations and staying within budget. Making decisions on my own has become second nature to me, and I am confident in my ability to make smart choices."
This question can help the interviewer determine if you have the skills and abilities they’re looking for in a general manager. Use your answer to highlight some of your most important qualities, such as leadership, communication and problem-solving skills.
Answer Example: "I believe that the most important quality for a general manager is leadership. A general manager needs to be able to motivate and inspire their team, as well as provide direction and guidance when needed. They also need to be able to communicate effectively with their employees and stakeholders, which is why communication skills are also important. Finally, problem-solving skills are essential for a general manager because they often have to solve complex issues that arise."
General managers are responsible for managing all aspects of their company, including employee relations. Employers ask this question to make sure you have experience dealing with conflict in a professional manner. In your answer, explain how you would approach a situation where two members of your team were arguing. Try to use a specific example from your past where you had to mediate between two employees.
Answer Example: "I understand that conflict can be a natural part of any workplace environment. However, I believe that it’s important to address any issues as quickly as possible. In my last position, there was a disagreement between two members of my team that quickly became heated. I met with both employees separately to hear their sides of the story. After hearing both sides, I realized that the issue was due to miscommunication rather than any malicious intent. I then met with both employees together to discuss the issue and come up with a solution."
Hiring and firing employees is a responsibility of general managers. Employers ask this question to make sure you’re ready for this part of the job. In your answer, explain how you would approach hiring and firing decisions. Explain that you would make sure to give employees ample warning if they are at risk of being fired.
Answer Example: "I have had to fire employees in the past, but I always try to give them as much notice as possible. I believe in being honest and respectful when letting someone go. I also believe in giving them resources to find new employment. In one instance, I had to fire an employee who was stealing from the company. I gave him two weeks’ notice and helped him find another job after he left ours."
The interviewer may ask this question to learn more about your financial management skills. They want to know how you use budgets to manage a company’s money and ensure it is being spent wisely. In your answer, explain what type of budget you worked with and what steps you took to ensure it was accurate.
Answer Example: "In my last position as general manager of a small restaurant, I had to manage both the food and beverage budget. I made sure to keep track of all purchases so I could accurately report how much money we spent on each category. I also met with my staff regularly to discuss any expenses they needed approval for. This helped me stay aware of any possible overages in one area that could affect another."
This question allows you to show the interviewer what your priorities are and how you plan to implement them into the role. Your answer should include a specific example of something you would do as general manager that relates to the job description.
Answer Example: "My first priority as general manager would be to meet with all of the employees of the restaurant to get to know them better. I think it’s important for managers to be familiar with who they’re working with, so I would use this time to ask them questions about their career goals and how I can help them achieve them. This is also an opportunity for me to share my goals for the restaurant."
This question can help interviewers understand how you might handle a challenging situation. In your answer, try to show that you are willing to take action when necessary and that you value employee morale.
Answer Example: "If I noticed a decrease in employee morale, I would first try to find out why. I would meet with each employee individually to discuss their concerns and find out if there is anything I can do to improve their work environment. If there are larger issues at play, such as lack of communication or unrealistic expectations, I would work with my team to find solutions."
The interviewer may ask this question to see if you have done your research on their company. They want to know that you are interested in their company and its goals, and they want to see that you have the skills necessary to help the company achieve those goals. When answering this question, try to show that you understand the company’s mission and values and how they relate to your own career goals.
Answer Example: "I have been researching your company for several weeks now, and I am very impressed with what I have learned. Your company’s mission statement is very inspiring, and I feel like it aligns well with my own personal mission of helping people. Your values are also something I strive to live by every day, so I am excited to be able to work with such an ethical company."
The interviewer may ask this question to see if you have experience working with vendors or suppliers in your previous roles. If you do, share an example of how you worked with them and what kind of results you achieved. If you don’t have any experience working with vendors or suppliers, consider sharing an example of how you worked with other external parties to achieve success in your previous role.
Answer Example: "In my last role as general manager of an automotive repair shop, I worked with several vendors and suppliers to ensure we had the parts and equipment we needed to repair vehicles. One time, one of our suppliers had a shipment of parts that arrived damaged. They offered us a discount on future orders if we would take all of the damaged parts. I agreed to take all of the damaged parts because it saved us money on future orders."
This question can help the interviewer determine your level of involvement in the company’s operations. It also shows them how often you review important documents that may affect your decisions as general manager. Use examples from previous roles where you actively reviewed company policies and procedures and how this helped you better understand your role within the company.
Answer Example: "I recently reviewed our company’s policies and procedures when we hired a new sales manager. I wanted to make sure everyone was following the same guidelines when it came to selling products and services. We had recently hired several new employees, so I wanted to make sure they understood what was expected of them. I also used this opportunity to update some outdated policies."
Customer service is an important part of being a general manager. Employers ask this question to make sure you know how important customer service is and how you would improve it at their company. In your answer, explain what steps you would take to improve customer service at the company.
Answer Example: "I believe that customer service is one of the most important parts of any business. I would start by hiring more friendly, knowledgeable employees who are willing to go above and beyond for customers. I would also make sure that all employees are trained on the company’s policies and procedures so they can answer any questions customers may have. Finally, I would create systems that allow customers to easily contact us with any questions or concerns they may have."
This question can help the interviewer understand how you plan to lead your team. Your answer should include examples of how you’ve managed teams in the past and what strategies have been most effective for you.
Answer Example: "I believe in being a leader who is approachable and open to feedback from my team members. I try to create an environment where employees feel comfortable approaching me with questions or concerns. In my previous role as general manager, I had an employee who was having trouble with their computer program. They were unsure how to use it, so they came to me for help. Instead of just showing them how to use the program, I sat down with them for 30 minutes and walked them through each step. This helped them learn how to use the program on their own in the future."
Employers ask this question to learn more about your qualifications and how you can contribute to their company. Before your interview, make a list of all the skills and experiences that qualify you for this role. Focus on what makes you unique from other candidates and highlight any transferable skills or certifications you have.
Answer Example: "I believe my experience and qualifications make me stand out from other candidates. I have over 10 years of general management experience in the hospitality industry, with a focus on customer service and employee relations. During my career, I’ve worked at several hotels, managing everything from staffing issues to budgeting concerns. My experience has taught me how to handle challenging situations effectively while still maintaining a positive work environment."
This question can help the interviewer understand your background and how it relates to their company. Use this opportunity to highlight any experience you have that is relevant to the position, such as knowledge of the industry or specific software programs.
Answer Example: "I’ve worked in both hospitality and retail management for the past 10 years. I started out in hospitality as a server, then moved up to bartender, then manager. I’ve also worked in retail management for the past five years, where I currently am a general manager. In both industries, I’ve seen the importance of customer service and employee satisfaction."
This question is a great way to show your interviewer that you understand what it takes to be a successful general manager. Your answer should include a few things that are important for success, such as teamwork, communication and leadership.
Answer Example: "I think the most important thing a general manager can do to ensure company success is to create an environment where everyone works together. A team that communicates well and collaborates effectively is more likely to achieve its goals than a group of individuals working alone. I always encourage my employees to share ideas and opinions so we can find the best solutions together."
Employers ask this question to see if you are up-to-date on the latest resume trends. They want to know that you can adapt your resume to fit their company’s needs and expectations. They also want to see that you are willing to put in the time and effort to improve your skills and knowledge. In your answer, explain how you stay current on resume updates. Share any resources you use to learn about new formatting styles or language use.
Answer Example: "I update my resume every few months. I find that this is usually enough time for me to make significant changes to my professional profile. For example, I recently changed my objective statement and added more detail to my experience section. I also make sure to update any contact information such as email addresses and phone numbers."
This question can help the interviewer understand how you handle challenges and problems. Your answer should show that you are willing to take action, solve problems and make decisions.
Answer Example: "I would first try to find out what caused the issue with the product. Then, I would determine if it’s something we can fix or if we need to recall the product. If it’s something we can fix, I will work with my team to come up with a solution. If it’s something we need to recall, I will notify the proper authorities and ensure that all customers are taken care of."